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PS Mirabel presents Realism on the Edge. A show of contemporary realist painting selected by Axel Bottenberg. The show features the work of Jane Fairhurst, Ilona Kiss, David Hancock, Loya Gutierrez and Axel Bottenberg. " Figurative art describes artwork—particularly paintings and sculptures—that is clearly derived from real object sources, and are therefore by definition representational. For most of the 20th century the discussion of modern painting has largely ignored figurative works in favour of the significant avant-garde movements—from Cubism to Minimalism—that embraced abstraction. Only a few movements to include figuration (like Surrealism and Pop) would make their way into "high art" discourse. Many artists who use figurative art to communicate a critical narrative find themselves in a void situated somewhere in between the “nice” art sold in commercial galleries and the overtly conceptual work that most artist-led or alternative venues seem to prefer. I have selected a diverse range of Manchester based painters whose practice embraces realism, whilst having an edgy, dark narrative. Welcome to the dark side. " - Axel Bottenberg

Private View: Thursday 29 November 6 to 9 pm

Open Saturdays 11 am to 5 pm, 1st October to 5 November 2016

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© PS Mirabel 2016